Dirty dishes.

Since Lil has discovered this new found freedom people like to call 'crawling' (personally I think it should be called 'hell'), I haven't been able to get much done. Now she's more mobile than she has ever been, she doesn't like being restricted. The highchair is her idea of hell, she tries to climb out of her cot and her little rocking chair is no longer an option unless she is sleepy.

As she now thinks life is far too exciting to nap, I cannot get shit done. The house is a constant mess, the washing pile is getting bigger everyday and the dishes are stacked in the sink. When am I supposed to get all this cleared???

Mama's, is it cruel to get a playpen for her? Just for when I need to go to a different room (either to clean or count to ten if she's being a madam) or to wash the dishes. I can't tie her to the table leg, can I? Can I?



  1. we had a play pen for a while and Theo seemed content for a bit, but in the end he would just stand up at the sides wailing.

    As amazing as it is to see them develop, this stage is hell, but it calms down a little bit once they get over the fact that they can get places. I just let Theo follow me around most of the time now. and have toys in all different places, but kitchen cupboards seem to entertain him quite a lot (with saucepans and plastic bits) but it is a constant battle from now on to keep them entertained...sorry to say!

  2. we got baby Leo a play pen (cage?!?) and as long as there's loads of cool toys to play with and we don't put her in it that often or for long periods.............she's happy, and yes so handy.....for that quick shower or putting the washing away.....
