Currently reading...

I've been reading 'Buddhism For Mothers' and I'm finding it's really helping me deal with all aspects of my life. I've been feeling very lost lately, I miss the old me so much and I feel guilty for it.

In the book there is a poem by a Buddhist mother about her former self:

'...she fights the shame
Of a temper at small infractions
By her children (thank god for them)
Never knee such temper simmered
Aching to be lost.
She sinks into memories and dreams
Folding corners of herself down
Like a neat napkin
Hiding the stains, the dirt
Of her most wondrous gypsy self
So that this life - this perfectly happy life -
Might proceed without incident
Without tragedy.
She who writes this song to herself
Sings now for the selves
That have no place to be sung.'

It made me feel very sad, I can relate to it a million percent. I get so angry sometimes, when Lil is whinging or won't settle, and I'm slowly learning how to deal with this frustration.

Being a Mother is so hard but this book is making it a lot easier...

Buddhism For Mothers - Sarah Napthali

1 comment:

  1. I started reading that while I was pregnant. It was really helpful, must go back to it.
