MUMS 101.

So I was tagged by Jenny over at Confessions of a Mumpreneur to list three things, as a mother, I'd like to see in 'Room 101' which is quite apt right now as I've had a few comments made to me just lately that have pissed me off.

1. 'When are you going back to work?' or 'What are you going to do?'

Here's the thing, I'm lucky enough to be in a position where I don't have to go back to work. So for now the answers are 'not yet' and 'continue to teach my daughter new things everyday'. I will go back to work, yes, because I enjoy my work but for now I'm quite happy with the way things are. And anyway, what business is it of anyones? It was ok for women to stay home and look after the children sixty years ago but why is it such a negative thing now?

2. 'When is she going to walk?'

Hang on, let me just get my crystal ball out. Why don't you ask her?

3. 'You look tired.'

I know. And do ya wanna know why? Because I haven't slept for the past fifteen months. You look miserable/washed out/ugly/fat/stupid but I would never tell you that because it would hurt your feelings. So shut it.

So, folks, think before you open that trap of yours. Because next time I may just be seconds away from snapping your stupid head off. Smiling and gritting your teeth isn't always as easy as the books say...

Come on Abigail, your turn...

(P.S Can you tell I've had a baaaaaaaad day?)


  1. tee hee this mae me laugh and I agree with them all-I honestly think I would rather eat my own eyeballs with a spoon than listen to someone ask "when are you going back to work? What do you do etc" x

    1. It's SO frustrating! Like it's anyones business! And what harm is it causing them if we don't go back to work?! xx

  2. Wow, here here! I love your blog! It's great... I've come over from instagram (somethingimade). Don't you think that for the first 6 months of being a mum everyone asks if your baby sleeps through the night, and then the question changes to the work one.... But then I catch myself asking other mums the same boring questions too...!

    1. Ah welcome and thanks for reading! The questions were too much at the beginning but I think I've learnt how to deal with them although just lately I've been getting a little snappy! I think we ask other mums because we are genuinely interested whereas other people are just plain nosey! xxx

  3. Hello - just visiting from instagram... great blog! I've found at first the question is 'are they sleeping through the night' then at six months it changes to 'when are you going back to work'. Urgh. The problem is I find myself asking the same dumb questions of other Mums!

  4. hahahaha...too true, too true.
    people have been asking me about stanley's walking so much. he is now walking after 15 months. but really it is such a ridiculous question!

    and breathe......

    sarah xoxo

    1. Ah well done Stanley! So what if they're not walking yet! But what would someones reaction be if we said 'uh have you lost weight yet?' or 'are you going to get married soon?' 'are you going to have a baby or not?', they just wouldn't like it! xxx
